Monday, April 20, 2009

Magnifying Earth Day

Earth Day efforts are to our environment what Valentine's Day gestures are to our loving relationships: channel all your efforts into one day and see how well the cause turns out in time. Loving your Mother Earth shouldn't be a chore, and expressing your love to your mate shouldn't be either. So if we truly value each other i.e. believe in our souls that we are better off with our significant others in a healthy environment (and understanding why), in smaller yet more frequent increments, it's easier and even more rewarding to celebrate one another year round. Now I know what you're thinking: revoke this girl's woman card if she doesn't want diamonds and when do I get the golf clubs I've been eyeing? Material items have no meaning unless they symbolize something greater, so the greater something is what's worth your time. Succumbing to gimmickry is totally in vein if we aren't diligent 24/7 from birth 'til death, generations in succession, to keep our Mother feeling loved. Material gifts can be sparkly band-aids for bruised relationships (and the plastic packaging isn't biodegradable so it's bad for the Earth anyway), but if you want them, get them yourself, and require more introspection and substance for your life. True love is inspired, self-deprecating, and priceless. A healthy environment supports, subsists,'s golden. Your birthday is plenty time to satisfy your wanton, superficial needs, but showing appreciation for whom and what is around you lies in the thoughtful measures that we take consistently. Your precious Earth is worth more than one day of reverence.

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